
Gabriela Pelaytay, born in Argentina, is a self-taught artist and designer. While most notable for her drawings, she isn’t bound to any specific medium and tends to explore whichever style her mind is captivated by. Gabriela began drawing at a young age in Mendoza, Argentina,

Oftentimes Gabriela’s style is attributed to her unique perspective on life. Her natural talent for picking apart the intricacies of the human experience grant her the ability to incorporate multiple techniques into her artwork with great attention to detail.

Faces, people, scenes underscored and highlighted are coated in black. Black paint, a favorite image of Gabriela, is often utilized to showcase the darker elements that her work exudes. This is incorporated in a way that goes a few steps beyond basic contrasting, the intentional nature of the art is apparent.


Pelaytay’s Art

Pelaytay’s Art is about having a unique piece of art, Symbolism is abundant in my paintings.

The goal is to make beautiful that which others find disturbing. Containing feelings and emotions that resonate with the viewers.

I often play with the colors so that the subject is highlighted captivating the viewer’s mind and soul.

Whatever you do, make sure it makes your soul smile…